As you may know, there are around 13,000 topographic maps
covering all of Canada so it can be hard to find the one you want. Here are
some suggestions:
Maps in Ontario, British Columbia, or the Maritime
- If you know the map number, simply type it in the Search box
which appears at the top of every page. It should be in the format:
- For 1:50,000 maps:
Number-Number-Number-Letter-Number-Number, e.g. 041O16
- For 1:250,000 maps: Number-Number-Number-Letter, e.g.
This will take you to the page with information about the
map, including Add to Cart buttons for online ordering.
- If you don't know the map number, please use clickable index
maps to find the specific map number. There you will find "Add to Cart" buttons
to order online:
Maps in Quebec:
- Quebec maps are listed on the website for our Montreal
office. If you know the map number, simply go the Search page by
clicking on the link which appears at the top of every page ("Recherche" in
French). The map number should be in the format:
- For 1:50,000 maps:
Number-Number-Number-Letter-Number-Number, e.g. 041O16
- For 1:250,000 maps: Number-Number-Number-Letter, e.g.
This will take you to the page with information about the
map, including Add to Cart buttons for online ordering.
- If you don't know the map number, please use clickable index
maps to find the specific map number. There you will find "Add to Cart" buttons
to order online:
- The website for our Montreal office is in French, however
their staff will be pleased to serve you in English. Or simply phone us at
Maps outside Ontario, British Columbia, the Maritime provinces
or Quebec:
- You will need to follow a two-step process to find the map
number and then place an order for that map:
... or simply phone us at 1-888-433-3782. We'll be pleased to