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A Boater's Guide to Historic Lake Temiskaming

This booklet is prepared to guide boaters through a most pleasurable trip today and tomorrow; but it also leads the thoughtful one backwards in time, to re-live earlier Canadians experiences on the same route.

Officially opened in 1993, the Lake Temiskaming-Ottawa River Waterway gives 387 kilometres of boating adventure - from Pembroke to Notre Dame du Nord at the head of Lake Temisakaming. Hydraulic boatlifts outsmart barrier dams at Rapides des Joachims, Mattawa and Temiscaming. Much as the earliest Canadian explorers paddled the Ottawa River into an unknown country, today's boaters can discover a wilderness wealth of northern boating treasure.
Boater's Guide to Historic Lake Temiskaming

Written by Peter Fancy. Published by Highway Book Shop, 1996.
Catalogue No. 0-88954-393-3
Price $6.95
Format Softcover
Pages 65
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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This page last modified: May 19, 2004

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