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Learn to Navigate: An Introduction for All Ages, 4th Edition

Learn to Navigate has been a bestseller since first publication. It is the ideal introduction for anyone wanting to learn the basics of what navigation is all about. This fourth edition is now in colour throughout.

Covering the essentials of reading a chart, understanding tides, using navigation instruments and planning a passage, it is ideal for novices of all ages wanting a simple introduction to what can seem a daunting subject. This fourth edition has been brought fully up-to-date with new full colour presentation of diagrams and illustrations, providing the simplest, most straightforward introduction to navigation there is.
Learn to Navigate
"Basil Mosenthal has produced a book that takes the reader a long way in a short space" - Sailing Today
"An ideal shoehorn for anyone wishing to ease into navigation" - Sailing
Written by Basil Mosenthal. Published by Adlard Coles Nautical, 2004.
Catalogue No. 0-7136-6870-9
Price $24.95
Format Softcover
Pages 72
Language English only
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This page last modified: January 4, 2005

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