Understand and use over 10,000 English idioms! The Oxford
Idioms Dictonary for Learners of English contains a wide range of idioms,
from expressions used in business and newspapers to very up-to-date informal
English and slang expressions. Features include:
- 100s of new idioms from British and American English, and
other English-speaking countries.
- Study pages on common uses and meanings.
- Opposites0 show you an idiom with the opposite meaning.
- British and American pronounciation and stress help you say
the idioms correctly.
- Improved design means you find what you want quickly.
Usage notes give information on vocabulary or grammar in the
idioms. New illustrations for many of the more colourful, everyday idioms. A
new section of study pages and exercises to give learners practice in using the
most frequent idioms naturally.