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Extreme Canadian Weather: Freakish Storms and Unexpected Disasters

Extreme Canadian Weather    
Format Softcover
Catalogue No. 1-55153-949-7
Pages 144
Language English only
Price $9.95

Written by Joan Dixon.
Published by Altitude Publishing Canada Ltd., 2005.


Weather is the quintessential Canadian story. Despite it's characterization in the rest of the world as a land of bush and blizzards, Canada is a country of geographical and climatic variations. It experiences just about every type of extreme weather possible - tornadoes, droughts, dust storms, ice storms, hail storms, hurricanes, floods - in addition to lots of snowstorms. The weather is rarely boring and their are times when it has been so extreme, it has surprised everyone.

Extreme Canadian Weather brings you the amazing stories of ice storms, tornadoes, the dust bowl, the blizzard of the century, hurricanes, firestorms, and much more.

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This page last modified: June 30, 2005

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