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British Columbia: Land of Promises

In this fifth volume in Oxford's Illustrated History of Canada series, Patricia Roy and John Thompson present a compact narrative survey of British Columbia's economic, political, and social history, generously illustrated with roughly 150 paintings, drawings, and maps that shed their own light on the province's history.

British Columbia, as we know it geographically and politically today, did not exist until 1858. The boundaries of the present-day province were defined in a piecemeal and haphazard manner, and are still disputed by the First Nations, who have never accepted the 1927 agreement between the federal and the provincial governments that defined the extent of their territories within the province. Historians can never entirely escape superimposing the tidy political map of contemporary British Columbia over an untidy geography, and an equally untidy history. Human conflict and human diversity mark British Columbia's past. Based on current scholarship, this volume provides a detailed account of the multitude of experiences within British Columbia.
British Columbia: Land of Promises
“. … the selection of photographs, drawings, paintings and maps is superb…. The writing by Patricia E. Roy and John Herd Thompson is superb, taking us through the highs and lows of the province's history in a quick but thorough fashion. It may be a relatively thin volume, as histories of the province go, but this book combines insight with accessibility in a powerful way. British Columbia: Land of Promises deserves to be ranked with the best books on B.C. history. Consider it required reading." - The Victoria Times-Colonist
Written by Patricia E. Roy and John Herd Thompson. Published by Oxford University Press, 2005.

Other titles in the Illustrated History of Canada series:
Forging the Prairie West
Ontario: Image, Identity, and Power
True North: The Yukon and Northwest Territories
Catalogue No. 0-19-551048-3
Price $36.95
Format Softcover
Pages 216
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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This page last modified: December 22, 2005

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