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Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference, 2011 Edition

Format Softcover
Catalogue No. 978-0-7798-2721-3
Pages 352
Language English
Price $72.00
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for last year's 2011 edition

Written by Jamie Knight, LL.B., Ron LeClair, LL.B., LL.M., Roslyn McGilvery, LL.B., and Gordon Woods, LL.B., of Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP.
Published by Carswell, 2010.

This is an annual publication. The 2011 edition was released December 2010. The 2012 edition is expected to be released in December 2011.


Description of last year's 2011 edition:

The completely updated and expanded Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference, 2011 Edition walks you through the Ontario Labour Relations Act, by defining the respective roles and duties of the workplace parties; describing the steps involved in the certification of a union; unfair labour practices; collective bargaining procedures; first agreement arbitration; sales of businesses; and how disputes under the agreement are to be resolved.

The 2011 edition contains the full text of the Act for your convenience, as well as Regulations and a helpful index to the full contents of the guide.

New in the 2011 edition:
  • Clarification of the law related to bad faith bargaining in the context of a strike, when an employer holds to a bargaining position that would not be normal for an employer to maintain
  • Clarification of the limited availability of injunctive relief to a struck employer in the context of picketing activity that is directed at a third party, such as a customer or supplier of the employer
  • A review of 7-figure damages awarded against a union in a Quebec case that could be a signal of future developments in Ontario, although there are significant differences in the law and it remains doubtful that such damages awards could be achieved in Ontario
  • Developments in respect of a union's duty of fair representation, especially where there are conflicting positions between union executive members on the one hand and rank and file members on the other hand
  • Clarification that the onus of proof in a duty of fair representation case lies with the complaining member, not the respondent union
  • Reinforcement of the principle that a union's successor rights exist to preserve rights, not to expand them
  • Full revision and update of construction labour section.
The legislation cited in this edition is current to Ontario Gazette Vol. 143:44 (October 30, 2010).

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This page last modified: January 6, 2011

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