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Kayak Routes of the Pacific Northwest Coast

Kayak Routes of the Pacific Northwest Coast explores 18 regions from Oregon to British Columbia. It is the complete guide to kayaking one of the world's greatest paddling destinations.

Detailed overviews summarize the more than 30 kayak routes described in this book, including suggestions on the required skill level, the duration of the trip, the foreseeable hazards, and the charts and tide tables to buy. Easy-to-read maps provide practical information about how to get to the launch spot, what routes to paddle, where to camp, and what to look for along the way.

Written by Peter McGee. Published by Greystone Books, 2004.
Kayak Routes of the Pacific Northwest Coast
Catalogue No. 1-55365-033-6
Price $22.95
Format Softcover
Pages 336
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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This page last modified: April 28, 2004

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