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The Little Book of Financial Wisdom

Do you have five minutes?

Everyone has five minutes. In The Little Book of Financial Wisdom, personal finance guru Garth Turner asks you to spend five minutes with him - over lunch, before bed, on the train or streetcar. Your reward? Turner's insights, observations and revelations on everything from the stock market and mutual funds to estate planning and insurance.

Comprised of more than 25 focused chapters - each of which can be read in less than five minutes - The Little Book of Financial Wisdom tackles a wide range of timely and relevant questions: In a world where terrorism lives, should you have a little gold? Would you be in trouble if the government decided to adopt the U.S. dollar? Should you buy stocks or bonds, and which ones? How do you find an advisor you can trust?
The Little Book Financial Wisdom
Other topics include:
  • RRSPs - best bet or terrible idea?
  • real estate - the cases for and against
  • September 11 - the aftermath
  • Nortel - what we've learned
  • bonds - the next best thing
The book features a Risk Test designed to reveal your tolerance for risk and a New Worth worksheet that will provide a snapshot of your success. Written in Turner's bold and conversational style, The Little Book of Financial Wisdom is a vital tool in the quest for financial independence in these volatile times.

Written to make sense of a post-September 11th world, the book provides insight on such topics as the future of the stock market, the dollarization of Canada, the outlook for real estate, mutual funds and gold - and provides a wealth of hands-on strategies.

Will world terrorism derail capitalism, or just make it stronger? How much danger and opportunity is there, after New York? What steps can you take to preserve, and build wealth?

Written by Garth Turner. Published by Key Porter Books Limited, 2001.
Catalogue No. 1-55263-371-3
Price $16.95
Format Softcover
Pages 128
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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Last modified: December 17, 2001

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